Tuesday 19 May 2015

Shortage of Tops ?

I have been hearing from my bottom buddies that there are simply more bottoms than tops in Singapore, leading to shortage of tops and creating stiff competition among bottoms. Is that really true ?

So I did a little work by checking from three popular online dating sites. I counted the number of profiles which state their orientation as Top/Flex Top/Flex/Flex Bottom/Bottom and computed the proportion. Averaging the results from these three sites, the followings came up.

Flex Top
Flex Bottom

Based on these numbers, the total of Top and Flex Top is approximately 25% more than the total of Bottom and Flex Bottom. Doesn't sound like there's a shortage of tops, hmm...

Let's say we assign a value to each role. Top is 1.00, Flex Top is 0.75, Flex is 0.50, Flex Bottom is 0.25, and Bottom is 0.00. The mean value by taking the above proportions will end up as 0.5319. It's still marginally above 0.50 which means there are still more tops than bottoms, about 13% more.

Convinced now that there is no shortage of tops ? Now hold your horses. In the above two computations, we are assuming that the Flexes are really perfectly flexes. But is that so ? Unfortunately that does not seem to be the case in Singapore. In fact there is an anecdote saying that flexes are actually flex bottoms who do not want to state outright that they prefer to get drilled, flex bottoms are actually pure bottoms who do not want to state outright that they can't really top at all, and bottoms are actually well..... bottoms. So if Flex here is not quite an ideal versatile role, the proportion can get skewed. In fact, if in the second method the value assigned to Flex is down to 0.40, the mean value now becomes lower than 0.50. Voila, suddenly we have shortage of tops !

Now I can't claim that I have the most accurate data but from my own experience talking to the guys I had sex with, it seems that the Flex is about 1/3 top and 2/3 bottom, the Flex Bottom is about 1/10 top and 9/10 bottom. Clearly then, shortage of tops seems to really be happening. The next question then is, why do guys prefer to be bottoms than tops ?

Having said this, I'm opening up a slot for 1 new buddy. If you have fit body and at least pleasant look, drop me an email with your stats, face and bod pics.